Hinduism The Roots of acupuncture
Yes Hinduism the roots of Acupuncture which we know as Chinese acupuncture today we will open secret of its roots which are connected to Hinduism one of the oldest culture of India. world oldest ancient medicine more than 7000 years ago which we called Acupuncture. In ancient India Acupuncture is called marma or suchi bedan.marma means vital point. It's part of Ayurveda and naturopathy.It was created by lord shiv and pass to his son lord Murugan (Kartikeya) and later on pass to maha rishi August great monk of India to help the people of world. Acupuncture was use for widely 1) medicine or surgical procedures 2) In war to make enemy died or severe injury which is use as Indian martial art. Maharishi August have written 70 volume but unfortunately we have 40 volume save It seen commonly in Indian history In war of Ramayana Lord Rama killed Raavan by hiting arrow on Ren 8 (energy source point) even acupunctrist never Needle that point In Mahabharat Eklavya when he was pra...