Acupressure courses
Acupressure courses
No Degree. Course
1) C.C.A . Certificate course in acupressure
3) D.Aur.T. Diploma in auricular therapy.
4) D.F.R Diploma in face reflexology.
5) D.R.T Diploma in reflexology.
6) D.S.R. Diploma in spine Reflexology.
7) M.D.Acu Master Diploma in acupressure
8) S.Adv.Acu super Advance course in acupressure Therapy.
9) D.S.T Diploma in sujok acu Therapy.
10) M.D.Sujok master diploma in sujok.
11) D.Ayu.A Diploma in Ayurvedic Acupressure.
12) M.D.Ayu.A master diploma in Ayurvedic Acupressure.
13) D.Cup.T Diploma in cupping Therapy.
14) D.H.T Diploma in Hijama Therapy.
15) M.D.Cup. Master Diploma in cupping Therapy.
16) M.D.H.T Master Diploma in Hijama Therapy.
17) D.Gu.T Diploma in Gua Sha Therapy.
18) M.D.Gu.T Master Diploma in Gua Sha Therapy.
19)D.M.T Diploma in Magnet Therapy.
20) M.D.MAG Master Diploma in Magnet Therapy.
21) D.A.Y Diploma in Acu.Yoga.
22) D.Y.T Diploma in Yoga Therapy.
23) M.D.Yoga Master Diploma in Yoga Therapy.
24) D.A.M Diploma in Alternative medicine.
25) M.D.A.M. Master Diploma in Alternative medicine.
26) D.Ma.T Diploma in Massage Therapy.
27) D.P.K. Diploma in Panchkarma.
28) M.D.P.k Master Diploma in Panchkarma.
29) D.Ar.T Diploma in Aroma Therapy.
30) D.C.T Diploma in Colour Therapy.
1) A.R.A. Acupressure Ratna Award.
2) A.S.A Acupressure Shiromani Award.
3) D.Sc. Doctor Of Science Award.
4) G.P.A Gem of Pyramid Award.
5) G.M.A Gold medal Award.
6) L.T.A Life time Achievement Award.
7) S.M.A Sliver medal Award.
Course duration
Diploma 3 to 6 months
Master diploma 6 months to 1 years.
Mode of Study
1) regular mode
2) correspondence mode
Both are available.
1) You can become a Therapist.
2) You can get a job/service in Naturopathy hospital or Alternative treatment center.
3) You can Make career in Acupressure Therapy as Profession .
4)You can help Your family as well as other by treating Them free of charge or taking minimum charge.
5)The World health organization has Approved this Systems.
6)You Can get an Award/Appreciation certificate of Your work is excellent in this field .