Cervical acupuncture points
What Is Cervical
Cervical spondylosis is caused by degeneration and prolapse of the cervical Intervertebral discs and cervical joints, which directly compress cervical Spinal nerves, Vertebral arteries and the spinal cord. The major clinical manifestations are pain along the neck and shoulder, upper extremity numb, and radiating pain.Cervical spondylosis is similar to that of Qi stagnation and blood Stasis in TCM. The etiology of Cervical spondylosis is different Causes and involves poor Posture, anxiety, depression, neck strain, and sports or occupational activities,TENDON AND BONE BI SYNDROME.
Point and Technique Prescription: Gb20,Gb21, DU 14,15,16,TW 15
in Hand
Li 11,10,4,5,Tw 5,LU 7
If You know Balance method then you will get Better Result
If Pain is on Li Channel Then opp st Channel or same side liv Channel
Si Channel Then opp Ub Channel or same side sp Channel
Tw Channel Then opp GB Channel or same side kd Channel
You Can use Mirror image opp side on ankle st 41 k3 sp 6 gb 37......
point on auricular: Brain,Cervical shenmen ,KD, Point Zero
Thank you
Bhadoria Acupuncture & Acupressure treatment And Research centre
Dr.Rahul Singh Ph.d
Whatsapp: +919484477779.
The information on this site is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition.