Spleen meridian

Spleen Meridian

Function Of Spleen Meridian
  • Overseeing the healthy function of the digestion of food and liquids by the intestines after they have been processed by the stomach.
  • Influencing the production of chi energy and physical blood.
  • Controlling the discharge of bodily fluids.
  • Monitoring the healthiness of the blood, overseeing the first steps in creation of new blood cells, and preventing hemorrhaging.
  • Dominating the activity of the muscles, especially those of the arms and legs.
  • Influencing the functions of the mouth and especially the sense of taste.
  • Aiding in the increase of chi energy to counteract decreases brought about by various causes.
Common Uses
  • Treating problems with food digestion and expulsion, including borborygmus (noisy rumbling intestines), loose stools, undigested food reaching the stool, and appetite problems related to digestion.
  • Treating disorders of the intestines, such as dysentery, diarrhea, and constipation.
  • Treating pain in the abdomen, edema of the abdomen, feelings of heaviness, soreness of muscles and joints, swelling in the limbs, urination problems, leucorrhoea (abnormal vaginal discharge), prolapse, excess drowsiness, and lethargy due to poor metabolism.
  • Tonifying (increasing energy within) both chi and blood.
  • Improving circulation of the blood, especially in the uterus.
  • Raising chi levels in general.
  • Treating dyspnoea (labored breathing), and distension (internal swelling) of the chest.
  • Calming and regulating the spirit.
  • Treating genital disorders.

SP 1: yin bai / Hidden White
Function: Strengthens the Spleen, regulates blood, calms the wind.
Indications: Abdominal distension, bloody stools, menorrhagia, uterine bleeding, mental disorders, dream-disturbed sleep, convulsion.

SP 2: da du / Great Metropolis
Function: Strengthens the Spleen, promotes digestion, clears heat.
Indications: Abdominal distension, gastric pain, constipation, febrile diseases with anhidrosis.

SP 3: tai bai / Supreme White
Function: Strengthens the Spleen, resolves damp, strengthens the spine.
Indications: Gastric pain, abdominal distension, constipation, dysentery, vomiting, diarrhea, borborygmus, sluggishness, beriberi

SP 4: gong sun / Yellow Emperor
Function: Tonifies Stomach and Spleen, regulates the Penetrating Vessel, stops bleeding, dispels fullness, pacifies the Stomach, removes obstructions, regulates menses.
Indications: Gastric pain, vomiting, abdominal pain and distension, diarrhea, dysentery, borborygmus.

SP 5: shang qiu / Metal Hill
Function: Strengthens Stomach and Spleen, resolves damp.
Indications: Abdominal distension, constipation, diarrhea, borborygmus, pain and rigidity of the tongue, pain in the foot and ankle, hemorrhoid.

SP 6: san yin jiao / Three Yin Intersection
Function: Strengthens Spleen, resolves damp, promotes function of Liver and smooth flow of Liver Qi, tonifies Kidneys, nourishes blood and yin, benefits urination, regulates uterus and menstruation, moves and cools blood and eliminates stasis, stops pain, calms mind.
Indications: PMS, abdominal pain and distension, impotence, borborygmus, diarrhea, sterility, delayed labor, nocturnal emission, enuresis, dysuria, edema, hernia, genital pain, dizziness, vertigo, insomnia, muscular atrophy.

SP 7: lou gu / Leaking Valley
Function: Fortifies the Spleen and harmonizes the stomach, disinhibits damp and disperses swelling, frees the channels and quickens the connecting vessels, regulates Qi and blood.
Indications: Abdominal distension, borborygmus, coldness, numbness and paralysis of the knee and leg.

SP 8: di ji / Earth's Crux
Function: Removes obstructions from the channel, regulates Qi and blood, regulates the uterus, stops pain.
Indications: Abdominal pain and distension, diarrhea, edema, dysuria, nocturnal emission, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea

SP 9: yin ling quan / Yin Mound Spring
Function: Resolves dampness, benefits the lower energizer, benefits urination, removes obstructions from the channel.
Indications: Abdominal pain and distension, diarrhea, dysentery, edema, jaundice, dysuria, enuresis, incontinence of urine, genital pain, dysmenorrhea, knee pain.

SP 10: xue hai / Sea of Blood
Function: Cools the blood, removes stasis of blood, regulates menstruation, tonifies blood.
Indications: Irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, uterine bleeding, amenorrhea, urticarial, eczema, erysipelas, pain in the medial aspect of the thigh.

SP 11: ji men / Winnower Gate
Function: Clears the head and disinhibits Qi, promotes free flow
through the waterway.
Indications: Dysuria, enuresis, pain and swelling in the inguinal region, muscular atrophy, motor impairment, pain and paralysis of the lower extremities.

SP 12: chong men / Surging Gate
Function: Removes obstructions from the channel, tonifies yin.
Indications: Abdominal pain, hernia, dysuria.

SP 13: ju she / Bowel Abode
Function: Regulates Qi dynamic, soothes the Liver and relieves pain.
Indications: Lower abdominal pain, hernia.

SP 14: fu jie / Abdominal Bind
Function: Warms the center and dissipates cold, rectifies Qi and downbears counterflow.
Indications: Pain around the umbilical region, abdominal distension, hernia, diarrhea, constipation.

SP 15: da heng / Great Horizontal
Function: Strengthens the Spleen and limbs, resolves damp, regulates Qi, stops pain, promotes the function of the Large Intestine.
Indications: Abdominal pain and distension, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation.

SP 16: fu ai / Abdominal Lament
Function: Clears heat and disinhibits damp, frees bowel Qi.
Indications: Abdominal pain, indigestion, constipation, dysentery.

SP 17: shi dou / Food Hole
Function: Rectifies Qi and disinhibits water, courses the Triple Energizer.
Indications: Fullness and pain in the chest and hypochondriac region

SP 18: tian xi / Celestial Ravine
Function: Loosens the chest and rectifies Qi, downbears counterflow and suppresses cough.
Indications: Fullness and pain in the chest and hypochondrium, cough, hiccup, mastitis, insufficient lactation.

SP 19: xiong xiang / Chest Village
Function: Diffuses and downbears Lung Qi, suppresses cough and stabilizes dyspnea.
Indications: Fullness and pain in the chest and hypochondriac region.

SP 20: zhou rong / All-Round Flourishing
Function: Diffuses and downbears Lung Qi, suppresses cough and stabilizes dyspnea.
Indications: Fullness in the chest and hypochondriac region, cough, hiccough.

SP 21: da bao / Great Embracement
Function: Moves blood in the blood connecting channels.
Indications: Pain in the chest and hypochondriac region, asthma, general aching and weakness.

Bhadoria Acupuncture & Acupressure Treatment Training And Research Centre
Dr.Rahul Singh Ph.d
Whatsapp: +919484477779.
The information on this site is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition. 


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