How to get confident in acupuncture practice
Today's topic is about confident practice in acupuncture
If you are practitioner of acupuncture or new in this field the first thing is believe in yourself that you are best Healer
You have world's best power in your hand to heal the pateint with acupuncture the best and amazing medicine
I can say magical needle mostly I will say magical needle . Always be a confident with point selection which you insert needle into your patient feel magnetic bond with point when you touch you should feel attraction with point, point it self should say you chose me for needling.and Let's nature happen to heal the pateint
And the most important thing is Give time
To your patient listen it what he or she want to say half of his problem will solve from the first day when he or she came to to clinic. Patient will happy and you will also be happy......
To your patient listen it what he or she want to say half of his problem will solve from the first day when he or she came to to clinic. Patient will happy and you will also be happy......
When ever you treat the patient just rise you whole internal energy the best chi and then you insert the needle you will see how powerful is the needle an acupuncture
When ever you don't get results don't blame acupuncture point that it's not working why would not work these point are describe 5000 years back they were not mad.but we are wrong in needling or point location or in depth acupuncture point always works.
If you achieved the knowledge of acupuncture truely from your heart and use it in write way then acupuncture give all thing whatever you want from money,frame, status etc.
The best thing about acupuncture is there is. No side effect so don't be in in the world of fear be confident that you will heal that patient Acupuncture is art use it . So now boost up your energy (chi) treat your patient get results.and once again I would like to say be the best of you.
Dr.Rahul Bhadoria
Whatsapp: +919484477779.