Indian acupuncture
Acupuncture is Part of Indian medical system
its part of Ayurveda
Marma Chikitsa (Needling therapy) is subject of Ayurveda
its also known as shuchi-needle and bedan-prick
Acupuncture Was tought in ancient university of india like Nalanda and takshashila University
many traveller came to india to learn acupuncture therapy
it was nearly 590-649 CE the first chinese sanskrit scholar monk yijing came to india during king Harsa Rule he learn acupuncture from nalanda university.
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Bhadoria Acupuncture & Acupressure treatment And Research centre
Dr.Rahul Singh Ph.d
Whatsapp: +919484477779.
Bhadoria Acupuncture & Acupressure treatment And Research centre
Dr.Rahul Singh Ph.d
Whatsapp: +919484477779.